Proper Relocation to a New Aquarium
Moving from one aquarium system to another is a relevant topic for many aquarium hobbyists. Typically, the move happens from a smaller system to a larger one, as larger systems make it easier to maintain stability (water parameters change more slowly). For a successful move without losing fish and corals, it's necessary to follow certain rules and have important information.
Moving Experience
Many aquarium hobbyists have positive experiences with relocations - systems were started from scratch, water was filled within a day, and corals were transplanted. However, not all moves go smoothly. The third and subsequent moves are often accompanied by mistakes that lead to the death of some fish and corals.
Preparation for the Move
New System and Location
Before moving, it's necessary to fully prepare the new location. The system should be fully operational and filled with water. It's not recommended to transport old water from the previous system to save on marine salt.
If the move involves a change in location (moving to a new apartment), transporting water will create additional problems. Transporting old water, handling living creatures, and subsequent reef setup will take a lot of time, which will negatively affect the condition of the inhabitants.
Saving on salt and water can result in the loss of valuable corals and fish, whose cost significantly exceeds the cost of the saved resources.
Salinity and Parameters
One of the most common mistakes when moving is incorrect salinity. In the old system, auto top-off maintains a stable salinity level, while in the new system, water is often prepared by eye, using scales, without considering temperature.
Temperature significantly affects water density. If the water in the old system was heated by pumps to one temperature, and the temperature in the new system is different, the water density will differ. A difference of 4-5°C can lead to significant variations in salinity, which will negatively affect corals. When transplanted into an unsuitable salinity environment, corals release a lot of mucus.
It's necessary to use the same device to measure salinity in both systems. Incorrect measurement (for example, a reading of 1.040 instead of the normal 1.026) can lead to coral death.
Biological Balance and Nutrients
New System as an Adsorbent
In a new system, nutrients (nitrates, phosphates) are absent. It works as an adsorbent, quickly absorbing all nutrients. Therefore, you can't expect that fish will immediately fill the system with necessary components.
Corals from a stable system are accustomed to living at certain levels of macro and microelements, as well as nutrients. In a new system, these elements are not maintained stable, and they need to be dosed immediately.
Active and Dormant Corals
Corals react differently to moving, depending on their condition:
- Active corals with good metabolism suffer more from changing conditions, as they require immediate feeding and stable parameters.
- Corals in a state of anabiosis (recently imported, weakened) tolerate changing conditions more easily, as their metabolism is slowed down.
Active corals begin to react to changes immediately: first, they may inflate polyps, then contract, release mucus, which is a sign of stress and water parameter mismatch.
Preparing the New System
Parameter Stabilization
It's necessary to prepare the new system in advance (at least a week):
- Level all parameters of macroelements (calcium, magnesium, carbonate hardness)
- Begin dosing microelements
- Create a nutrient environment by dosing carbon for bacterial development
You cannot move corals and then start dosing after a few days. Water parameters should be stable before transplanting corals.
The Problem of Phosphates and Nitrates
Phosphates in the new system are unstable, as there is no natural input due to the absence of fish feeding and biological activity. Phosphate is quickly adsorbed by new live rocks and other materials.
If corals are accustomed to a stable phosphate level (for example, 0.10 ppm), and in the new system, the level drops to 0.05 ppm and fluctuates, this can cause stress and subsequent death of corals.
Transferring Biology and Detritus
Importance of the Biofilter
When moving, it's critically important to transfer the active biofilter from the old system. This is not just moving to a new aquarium, but transferring live biological filtration.
It's necessary to transfer part of the live rocks from the old system, and then add new ones. The live biofilter is the foundation for the new system.
Role of Detritus
Detritus serves as a buffer for biofiltration and acts as a "reserve supply" of nutrients for bacteria. It also needs to be transferred to the new system in the same amount as was in the old one.
If detritus quickly disappears in the new system, it's a sign that the biofilter is actively consuming it, but not producing new detritus. This indicates that new bacteria in the Live Rocks are barely reproducing due to hunger, and the biofilter is rapidly degrading.
Transporting Inhabitants
Transporting Corals
- Separate containment - each type of coral should be placed in a separate container. Different species should not be placed in the same container, as they release toxins that can harm other species.
- Transportation time - corals can stay in separate containers for up to a day without special equipment.
Transporting Fish
- Shallow water - fish should be transported in containers with water no deeper than 15 cm for better gas exchange. The deeper the water, the worse the gas exchange and the higher the risk of fish suffocation. It's better to transport fish each in a separate bag with added oxygen.
- Number of fish - in a bucket with 15 cm deep water, you can safely transport up to 10 fish up to 10 cm in size.
- No feeding - fish should not be fed for a day before the move to reduce waste excretion.
Sequence of Actions During the Move
Proper Transplant Order
- Prepare the new system with working filtration and correct water parameters
- Remove corals and fish from the old system, distributing them into separate containers
- Transfer detritus and live rocks to the new system
- Allow the new system to stabilize for several hours
- Arrange corals in the new system
- After several hours (when the water becomes crystal clear) transplant the fish
Time Allowance
It's desirable to have 2-3 free days for the move:
- First day for transferring corals and equipment
- Second day for observation and adjustment
- Third day for final stabilization
After the Move
Feeding After the Move
Fish should be fed only the day after the move, when they adapt to the new conditions. They should not be fed immediately after transplanting, as the fish may be stressed and won't eat.
Uneaten food will create an additional load on the biological filtration, which is already in the process of adaptation.
Maintaining Stability
After transplanting, minimize interference with the system:
- Don't rearrange rocks and corals
- Don't change flow parameters
- Don't make other rearrangements
Give the system and its inhabitants time to adapt. Any intervention creates additional stress for fish and corals.
A proper move requires careful preparation, time, and patience. It's not worth economizing on this process, as the consequences can be costly. By following the described recommendations, you can minimize stress for marine inhabitants and preserve their health when moving to a new system.