Fighting Conch (Strombus.) 2,5-3 inches
Species Name : Strombus spp.
Care Level : Easy
Temperament : Peaceful
Diet : Detritus, Omnivore
Reef Compatible : Yes
Water Conditions : 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025
Max. Size : 4"
Origin : Indian and Pacific Oceans
Family : Strombidae
Supplements : Calcium, Magnesium, Iodine, Trace Elements
There are lots of different species of conchs, they make up the Strombus genus. Fighting Conchs are some of the most common examples of home aquariums.
The beneficial Fighting Conch is not as aggressive as its name implies. Though a male Fighting Conch can be territorial towards other males of its own kind, the Fighting Conch is peaceful towards other tankmates. The Fighting Conch is a suitable addition to any home reef aquarium, where it will use its excellent sand sifting abilities to clean and aerate the substrate. Most of their time is spent foraging for food. They use their strong foot to move around surfaces in the tank. This foot also helps to ‘catapult’ themselves if they get flipped upside down.
Praised for their hardiness, the Fighting Conch requires open, deep sand beds in which it can forage for food. Though multiple Fighting Conches should behoused in larger systems, single specimens are suited for any size reef aquarium.
Despite their omnivorous nature, Fighting Conch snails are considered reef safe. When looking for food, they will not try to snack on corals.
Like other invertebrates, the Fighting Conch is sensitive to high levels of nitrate and will not tolerate copper-based medications.
Classified as an omnivore, the Fighting Conch will consume detritus from your aquarium substrate. Supply pieces of fresh fish and dried seaweed, as well as high quality frozen foods to supplement the diet of the Fighting Conch.